Versand | Lieferung

Shipping costs

Shipping methods

Post | Germany mit Beleg

tracking möglich Gebühr ohne Ust.
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
500.00 g
1000.00 g

DHL Paket | Germany mit Beleg

umsatzsteuerfrei 0-10kg
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
5000.00 g
10000.00 g

Post World with proof all countries

tracking possible the Liability is to an invoice with 37,20 €, higher is your risk, but we have a proof for enlightenment or you use with proof II with value option
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
500.00 g
1000.00 g
2000.00 g

Post World with proof II

with tracking the shipment is with value to 500,00 Euro
Calculation is based upon the total order amount
Up toCharge

Post Germany Nachnahme

bis 1.600,00 Euro Bestellwert
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
500.00 g
1000.00 g

Post | pay by Post your Order COD international

for countries:Italy,Lettland,Monaco,Austria,Portugal,SanMarino,Schweiz,Espain,Tunesia,VaticanCity/transaction from order with a value starts by 10,00€ and to 2000g weight !!! + charge costs 8,33€ Payments
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
500.00 g
1000.00 g
2000.00 g

DHL Paket | *Europa ( EU Countries)

with proof with order weight to 10 kg
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
5000.00 g
10000.00 g

DHL Paket World | Zone 2 | ( not EU countries )

tracking possible
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
5000.00 g
10000.00 g
20000.00 g
31500.00 g

DHL Paket World | *Zone 3

*Zone 3: Northamerica USA, Northafrica, Azerbaijan, Algeria Tunesia, St.Perre, Palästina, Marocco. Libya, Lebanon, Kazakhstan, Canadia, Israel | *with tracking
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
5000.00 g
10000.00 g
20000.00 g
31500.00 g

DHL Paket World | *Zone 4

*Zone 4 : Latin America, Asia, Middel and South Africa, Australia, Ozeanien, all counties not Zone 3 | *with tracking
Calculation is based upon the total weight
Up toCharge
5000.00 g
10000.00 g
20000.00 g
31500.00 g

Special Delivery | Spezial Lieferung

Orders with an amount higher as € 5.000,00 we send with Special Transport the costs separatly with order ok or without of costs.| Betsellungen mit einem Wert über € 5.000,00 senden wir mit Spezial-Transport Kosten separat oder kostenfrei.
Calculation is based upon the total order amount
Up toCharge

excl. eventual additional product surcharges
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